Case Study
Clearing a groundbreaking travel concept for takeoff.
The Challenge
Ensuring a strong consumer-product fit for a new air transportation concept.
Wisk, the first company to design, build, and fly autonomous air taxis (think helicopters without pilots) in the U.S., wanted to make sure the development and launch of its air taxi, Cora, was done right. Wisk came to us to help them make sure this groundbreaking concept would fly with the right consumers and provide the best experience possible.
Mockups have been edited to preserve confidentiality.
OUR Impact
Placing Wisk at the forefront of mobility and transportation.
Despite the fact that this was a new concept, we were able to identify the early adopters most likely to fly with Wisk and to give Wisk actionable guidelines and guardrails for launch. We helped them create strategies to build anticipation among Cora’s target audiences, and communicate, connect, and engage with flyers at every point in their journeys.
As Wisk continues to build out its concept, we continue to help them build their business with ongoing research, strategy, and outputs like whitepapers that showcase Wisk’s deep understanding of the space and positioning the company as an industry leader in autonomous flight.